
Our latest news, exclusive content, our next releases and much more!

Les-avantages-de-devenir-une-marque-indépendante-dans-l-industrie-actuelle 12LUNES

The benefits of becoming an independent brand in today's industry

In today's industry, more and more brands are opting for independence in order to stand out from the competition

Le-Streetwear-La-tendance-urbaine-qui-conquiert-le-monde-de-la-mode 12LUNES

Streetwear: The urban trend that is conquering the fashion world

Discover the world of streetwear: its history, its iconic brands

Streetwear-Les-marques-françaises-qui-redéfinissent-la-mode-urbaine 12LUNES

Streetwear: French brands that are redefining urban fashion

Discover the French streetwear brands that are reinventing urban fashion in 2023.

Trackpant-L-indispensable-tendance-streetwear-à-adopter-d-urgence 12LUNES

Trackpant: The essential streetwear trend to adopt urgently

Our trackpant is specially designed to offer you a feeling of unparalleled comfort

Le-tank-top-12L-l-indispensable-de-la-saison 12LUNES

The 12L tank-top, the essential of the season

The 12L tank-top is THE key piece of the summer season!

Le-bob-12LUNES-un-incontournable-de-ton-été 12LUNES

The 12LUNES bucket hat: a must-have for your summer

The 12LUNES bob, the summer must-have Hey you, streetwear fan! If you're looking for the ultimate accessory to protect yourself from the sun this summer, look no further, I have what you need...

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New 12L collection

Welcome to the captivating world of the SS23 collection, an explosion of style, creativity and daring.